
Looking for a biomass boiler or heater? What’s the difference between biomass heating systems? At Ranheat, we specialise in both Warm Air heaters for industrial use, and industrial wood waste boilers. We also commission bespoke biomass burner systems for process heating or specialised industrial heating.

We also have all the component parts of our systems available including Silos, conveying systems, wood combustion systems, fans and boilers.





Ranheat WA range – Warm Air Heaters


Our Warm Air range of biomass burners are perfect for heating large industrial spaces. They can heat spaces from 1000- 6000M2, equivalent to 150-600Kw heat output. Dispose of 0.5-16 tonnes of wood waste per week. Choose from four models:


  • WA150
  • WA300
  • WA450
  • WA600


Ranheat MSU range – Wood Waste Boilers

For more targeted heat requirements, our MSU range can provide between 150-600Kw heat output, and burn between 0.5-16tons of wood waste per week:


  • MSU 150
  • MSU 300
  • MSU 450
  • MSU 600



See our detailed product pages for full details on each range.

Our biomass burner systems provide cost effective, efficient and sustainable heating.

Get in touch for a chat about what’s best for your business

Warm Air Heater or MSU boiler
Save money on wood disposal and heating bills

Ranheat have a range of products suitable for all your industrial heating or wood waste disposal needs.


We’ll help you choose the right product from our range, which will depend on either 1. How much wood you need to dispose of, or 2. How much heat you need (and where you need it).


Our warm air heater range (WA range) uses industrial wood waste to make hot air.  This can be moved to where it’s needed for heating your warehouse or factory via ducting.


Our motorised stoker units (MSU range) recycle wood waste to make hot water. This heat is carried via existing (or new) pipework to feed space heaters or industrial processes.


For more complex industrial heating needs or larger system than 16 tons a week or a heat load greater than 600kW, we design and install specialist biomass multi-systems for high temperature and high pressure industrial process heating, this is the Multi Range. We have fire chambers from 340kW all the way up to 4.4MW. These system

We also have designs built for large scale Energy from Waste Systems. These IED type systems generally require larger scales and can burn SDF and RDF.





Get the right biomass system


How much wood waste do you need to dispose of?



  • Over 16 tons per week Multi Range

