What is the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund and what does it mean for Industrial Energy Users who want to burn biomass and industrial wood waste.
15 June 2022 / Alexander Franklin
There are many environmental and commercial benefits of recovering energy from waste wood, on a large or smaller scale. The UK have set targets to not only divert and reduce the biodegradable waste from landfill. At the same time, an objective of the government’s energy review is to reduce the reliance on electricity and heat
19 October 2021 / Fraser Smith
Wood Pellets are commonly used in small and large biomass systems but is there a hidden enviromental cost to them?
13 October 2021 / Alexander Franklin
Solvent based paints and finishes are being replaced by water based alternatives, what are the unintentional environmental and sustainability impacts of this trend and what can Ranheat do to help.
11 October 2021 / Alexander Franklin
The woodworking industry is a significant consumer of natural gas. With gas prices on the rise, what can Industrial Biomass boilers do to solve the energy crysis?
1 October 2021 / Alexander Franklin